Entry Systems

Find Your Entry System

Looking for the right Entry System for your property? Use the filters below to find the best Entry System based on property type, communication options, number of access points and users, optional features, and more.

2108 eVolve Video Entry System
2112 eVolve Video Entry System
1835 Telephone Entry System
1834 – 90 Series Entry System
1835 Telephone Entry System
1835 – 90 Series Entry System
1837 – 90 Series telephone entry system - convenient access - secure telephone entry system
1837 – 90 Series Entry System
1833 Telephone Entry System
1833 – 80 Series Entry System
1834 Telephone Entry System
1834 – 80 Series Entry System
1837 Telephone Entry and Access Control System - DKS Doorking
1837 – 80 Series Entry System
1834 Telephone Entry System
1835 – 80 Series Entry System
1802 Telephone Entry System
1802 Entry System
1803 Telephone Entry System
1803 Entry System
1808 Telephone Entry System residential as well as commercial applications
1808 Entry System
1810 Telephone Entry System
1810 Entry System
1808 AP Telephone Entry System
1808 Access Plus
1802 Access Plus versatile Programmable Telephone Entry System
1802 Access Plus
1810 Access Plus is a versatile Programmable Telephone Entry System
1810 Access Plus
1812 Telephone Entry System - surface mount
1812 Classic
1812 Access Plus is a versatile Programmable Telephone Entry System
1812 Access Plus
1816 Intercom System Multidoor - DKS Doorking
1816 Intercom System-Multi
1819 Telephone Entry System - DKS Doorking
1819 Information Phone
1838 Telephone Entry System
1838 Access Controller
1838 Access Plus Control System
1838 Access Plus

DKS Doorking 75 Years
Entry System Family Shot

Since the introduction of our first Model 1801 Telephone Entry System in 1983, DoorKing has grown as the leading designer and manufacturer of Entry Systems for residential, commercial, and industrial properties. With over 40 years of experience engineering the most advanced, durable Entry Systems available, the DKS product line offers the time-tested features and specifications our customers need.

Entry and Access Systems are an integral part of modern security, allowing property owners and managers to monitor and control entry to their premises efficiently. With features such as entry point video streaming, back-lit unit directories, internal heating components and more, DKS delivers a wide range of Entry Systems to meet the needs of properties of all sizes. The DKS Entry System lineup represents our commitment to quality, functionality, and user-friendly operation.

Featured Entry System

2112 eVolve
Video Entry System

The 2112 eVolve is our most advanced and versatile residential Video Entry System, allowing the homeowner to program and control their system from virtually anywhere. The 2112 control dashboard is browser based, so all that’s needed is an internet connection and a laptop, tablet or smartphone to access the system settings. With the DKS 2112 app, the system can be controlled right from a smartphone, enabling users to grant entry to guests even from thousands of miles away. The 2112 features broadcast calling which allows up to four (4) phones to ring simultaneously when the call button is pushed. The 2112 can control up to three entry points and operates with either an internet (VoIP) or cellular connection.

Types of Entry Systems

Entry System Video Entry Systems

Video Entry Systems

Choose from Entry System options offering no guest communication, voice communication through an intercom, voice communication through a phone line, or video communication through a smartphone.
1837-90 telephone entry system

Telephone Entry Systems

Telephone Entry Systems can call into one or more landlines or smartphones to enable guest communication and grant access.

Entry System Intercom

Intercom Entry Systems

When guests need to call in to a single concierge or help desk, a simple Intercom system may be a good option

Entry System Access Systems

Access Systems

When guest communication is unnecessary, an Access System simply manages Access Control products around a property, such as Card Readers, Keypads, Elevator Controls, and more.

How to Choose an Entry System

Many factors are important when choosing the right Entry System for a property, below are some of the main considerations when deciding which Entry System is best suited to an application.

telephone entry

Communication Options

Choose from Entry System options offering no guest communication, voice communication through an intercom, voice communication through a phone line, or video communication through a smartphone.
Connection Options

Connection Options

Choose an Entry System based on the connection type available at the property, either an Ethernet/VoIP connection or a Cellular connection for remote or otherwise un-wired properties.

DKS Cloud Programming

Programming Options

Entry Systems programmed by the Cloud or eVolve Programmer are great for single administrators or teams working together on different devices. Some high-security properties may choose an Entry System programmed using the Desktop Remote Programmer which locks the administrative tasks to one PC.
Maximum Number of Access Points

Maximum Number of Access Points

Different Entry Systems have a maximum number of access points they can manage natively, and maximum number of additional access points that can be added with Expansion Boards.
Maximum Number of Users

Maximum Number of Users

Different Entry Systems have a maximum number of users that can be added to the system by the administrator. Some Entry Systems are designed for single-family homes and some are best for multi-building apartment complexes.
Optional Features

Optional Features

Each Entry System has been designed to meet the needs of most properties: owners and administrators can decide if they want a back-lit directory, built-in card reader, space for components to be installed internally, high-security lock, and more.

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Entry System for you?

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