Wireless Expansion 900 MHz

Our new 900 MHz Wireless Expansion Kits let you add access points in those hard-to-wire places, eliminating costly labor, trenching and conduit runs.

Wireless Expansion 900 MHz


Now you can add access points just about anywhere.

Simply add a Base Station to a DKS Telephone Entry System, and a Remote Station (up to 24 of them) to a DKS Access Device and the wireless connection is made seamlessly. We even have a Repeater for those hard to reach remote sites, doubling the wireless range. Best of all, our Wireless Kits are designed with LoRa® technology offering longer ranges, low power consumption, and secure data transmission.

Double the range with a Dual Band Repeater
Use of repeaters or a wireless board acting as a repeater can send information to and from each other and the access controller up to a 2000 foot range





2333 Wireless Baseboard Kit

2333 Baseboard Kit plugs into the 1830 Series Controller main circuit board to provide the Controller with a wireless connection. Installed in the 1833, 1835, 1837 and 1838 Access Controller and can communicate with up to 24 remote access points



2332 Wireless Dual Band Repeater

Repeater is used with the wireless system to provide for extended ranges.
Used when distances between the 2333 Baseboard and 1470 Remote Module are out of range with each other. Only 1 DBR can be used per each 2333 an 1470 set



1470 Wireless Tracker Expansion Board RF Kit

1470 Expansion Board Kit plugs into the 2358 circuit board to provide the Tracker Expansion Board with a wireless connection. Connects directly to a 2358 Tracker Expansion Board to provide a wireless link between the Expansion Board and the 2333 Baseboard


Wireless Repeater

Add stations for greater distances between the Controller and Access Devices.


RF signals are encrypted to provide a secure data link between the access points and the Access Controller.


Works with 1833, 1835, 1837 and 1838. Repeaters can extend the RF range. Single Board Enclosure with or without Built-In Card Reader houses Wireless Tracker Expansion Board with required antenna.

Up to 24 Control Points

Wireless Kits are used with DKS Access Controllers and Tracker Expansion Boards to add access control points wirelessly.

Easy Installation

Connect Card Readers, Keypads and other devices to the Access Controller without the need for trenching, conduits or wire runs.
This is a great time, labor, and money saver!

Reverse Compatibility

Kits provide a 900MHz LoRa® link between the Access Controller and Card Readers, Keypads or almost any 26, 30 or 31-bit
Wiegand Device.

Simple Setup

Install the Wireless Kits in the Access Controller and Remote Access devices, power up the system and set the channel IDs. The system components will automatically link themselves.

Technical Specifications



Simplifies expanding even older systems! Wireless baseboard kit can be installed on any DKS 1833, 1835, 1837 or 1838 access controller with an 1830 series circuit board – regardless of how old the system may be.

Repeaters can extend the RF range.

Encrypted RF transmission designed with LoRa® technology.

900 MHz spectrum.

16 Channels, 16 Network IDs (256 unique settings) for secure communication

Adjustable RF signal strength.

Troubleshooting LEDs.

Add access control points without the need to run additional wiring. DKS tracker expansion boards and wireless expansion board kits are compatible with almost any 26, 30 or 31-bit* wiegand device. * 30 and 31-bit wiegand devices are limited to 255 facility codes (or less), or choose “Ignore Facility Codes” when setting up the access controller in the DKS Remote Account Manager software.



The 2333 RF baseboard is installed in the 1833, 1835, 1837 and 1838 access controller and can communicate with up to 24 remote access points.


The 1470 RF remote module connects directly to a 2358 tracker expansion board to provide a wireless link between the expansion board and the 2333 baseboard.


The 2332 dual band repeater (DBR) can be used when distances between the 2333 baseboard and 1470 remote module are out of range with each other. *ONLY 1 DBR can be used per each 2333 and 1470 set.




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Antenna Kit 900 MHz 1514-079
900 MHz Dual Repeater 2332-080
Product Bulletin 900MHz Wireless for Trackers 5.19.F
900 MHz Baseboard Kit 2333-080
900 MHz Expansion Board Kit 1470-080
900 MHz Test Kit 1514-140
900 MHz Wireless Tracker Quickstart
2.4 GHz Baseboard Kit 2361-080 (Discontinued)
2.4 GHz Dual Repeater 2372-080 (Discontinued)
2.4 GHz Repeater 2364-080 (Discontinued)
2.4 GHz Test Kit 2369-080 (Discontinued)
2.4 GHz Expansion Board Kit 1489-080 (Discontinued)
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