1620 Lane Barrier

The Lane Barrier is ideal in applications where a higher degree of vehicle traffic control is desired, but without the expense of bollards, wedges, or crash beams – making it ideal for apartment communities, gated condominiums, car rental agencies, parking lots, and toll booths. The Lane Barrier must be used with the 1603-580 Operator (sold separately).

1620 Lane Barrier

Help Prevent Passenger Vehicles and Light-Duty Trucks From Driving Through a Controlled Traffic Lane with a Surface Mount System*

The DKS Lane Barrier Accessory System is designed to be used with the 1603-580 Operator.  The Lane Barrier is ideal in applications where a higher degree of vehicle traffic control is desired, but without the expense of bollards, wedges, or crash beams – making it ideal for apartment communities, gated condominiums, car rental agencies, parking lots, and toll booths.

* This Lane Barrier System is not crash-rated. It is intended to provide a formidable barrier to help prevent passenger vehicles and light-duty trucks from driving through a controlled traffic lane.

CAUTION: not to be used in areas subject to freezing weather with the potential for snow and ice accumulation.


1603-580 Operator
Premium Accessory
Affordable Install with
Surface Mount Design
22,000 lb. Steel Arm Barrier
for Light Duty Trucks



Apartment Complexes & College Residence Halls
Mixed Use Buildings
Commercial & Industrial
Self Storage
Parking Facilities
Maximum Security

Product Features

1620 Lane Barrier - Traffic Control - DKS

Installs Where It’s Needed

Surface mount design means it installs for thousands of dollars less than crash rated systems.

Add-on Accessory

The lane barrier must be used with the 1603-580 operator (sold separately).

Lighted Top Arm

Increases visibility and safety for improved wayfinding.

Heavy Duty

Reinforced steel helps prevent vehicle barrier runners.

Internal 4-Ply Nylon Strap

Provides 22,000 lb capacity.

Steel Barrier Arm

Rotates into surface mount speed bump for easy vehicle entrance.

Technical Specifications

9′ / 10′ / 12′ / 14′ Maximum Arm Lengths

Left or Right Hand Mount

Arm Style: Octagonal Lighted Signal Arm

Arm Rotates 90° in Approx. 2.5 Seconds

1/2 HP Continuous Duty Motor


1620 Lane Barrier is not a stand-alone system.  It must be used with the 1603-580 Operator (sold separetly)

  • Speed bump U-channel is 1/4 In (6.35mm) A36 steel
  • Speed bump top plates are 1/4 In (6.35mm) 4-way multigrip steel plate
  • Speed bump assembly is zinc plated and finished in powder-coat 90% gloss
  • Anchor post assembly are surface mounted 8 In (203.2mm) x 8 In (203.2mm) x 1/4 In (6.35mm), 48 In (1219mm) high (+cap)
  • Anchor base plates are 12 In (304.8mm) x 42 In (1067mm) x 1/2 In (12.7mm) with eight (8) anchor points
  • Anchor post assemblies is zinc plated and finished in powder-coat full gloss super polyester



1620 Lane Barrier

  • Steel barrier arm and heavy-duty post
  • Surface mount (concrete only) – installs for thousands of dollars less than crash rated systems
  • Fast speed – raises and lowers in approximately 2.5 seconds
  • Simple mechanical linkage to DKS 1603-580 Operator keeps Barrier Arm and Lane Barrier in sync – no separate motors or hydraulic valves to worry about
  • Available for lane widths of 9 Ft (2.74m), 10 Ft (3.0m), 12 Ft (3.66m) and 14 Ft (4.27 m)
  • Best use is with passenger vehicles and light-duty trucks only




Dimensions and Weight


1620 Shipping weight approximately 1500 – 1700 Lbs (680 – 771 kg)



Depth Dimensions


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